The SIGNiX Signature Service has been updated, addressing a broad range of customer-requested fixes and improvements, closing out work on the new Wizard and Editor interface, updating PDF rendering engines, and resolving issues with the Personal Document Center.


 API / Integration

  • Integrators embedding SIGNiX UI with GetAccessLink call can choose which version of the interface to display, allowing for progressive rollout of features to clients
  • Fixed regression issue with <DistributionEmailContent> parameter in SubmitDocument API call. Submitters can once again customize message.

User Experience

  • Fixed issue with disappearing logout and profile links from MyDoX Document Center in Google Chrome (Windows).
  • Updated on-screen text for user as well as email sent to submitter when signer attempts to sign with an unsupported web browser. Information should be clearer now.
  • Improved prompts to user when creating a password with unsupported special characters
  • Closing out work on the updated version of the MyDoX Wizard and Document Editor. Support now added for delegation, pretagged fields, new PDF rendering path for editor, parallel signing, white labeling and color customization. Additionally, resolved bugs around address book performance, unassigned radio buttons, reminder controls, document scrolling, signature font sizing, and minor interface issues.


  • Resolving several issues regarding multiple Personal Document Center queues.*
  • Updated PDF rendering engines to improve compatibility and stability
  • Tightened restrictions on signer / document changes after transaction begins

Other Items

  • Implemented policy change on multiple, different signers using same mobile number and email address for authentication
  • Addressed some feature requests for internal billing reports
  • Removed internal constraints for updating settings for PDF renderer paths
  • Fixed various small issues with embedding controls


*Features are optional and may incur additional cost.