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independent e-signatureI'd like you to hop in a time machine with me as we go back in time to the summer of 1776. Earlier in the summer, Congress spent two days debating and revising the language of The Declaration of Independence. Now, nearly a month later, 56 delegates have gathered with quill pens in hand to sign the historic document. 

But what if that day had looked a bit different? What if the founding fathers ratified the Declaration of Independence with e-signatures instead of ink on paper? We've created an infographic do delve into how today's technology could've changed history.

independent e-signatures infographic

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What if America’s Founding Fathers had ratified the Declaration of Independence with electronic signatures via the Internet instead of with wet ink signatures in person?

  1. It could have been signed by all 56 delegates on July 4th. It took nearly a month for everyone to sign. Electronic signature technology would have allowed all delegates to sign on the same day, no matter where they were.
  2. The validity of delegate signatures could have been guaranteed at the time. The delegates' electronic signatures would have been backed by a detailed audit trail.

  3. Delegate signatures’ validity could still be proven today – and forever. But, only if the signers of the Declaration of Independence had used Independent Electronic Signature technology.

A 21st Century War of Independence is underway in the electronic signature industry, and the battle lines are drawn. Winning the war of e-signature independence yields victory in:

  • Longevity: Independent e-signatures are valid forever because they adhere to international, published standards, which will always be discoverable, even if they fall into disuse. 

  • Ownership and Control: The user of independent e-signature technology controls where signed documents reside and can allow them to be verified offline at anytime.

  • Transparency: Independent e-signatures provide the user with immediate and complete access to the evidence supporting their validity.

  • Safety: Independent e-signatures carry a much lower level of risk than dependent e-signatures because of all of the preceding benefits.

 Download our free eBook to learn about the security questions you should be asking your e-signature vendor.

Free e-signature security eBook

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