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In the real estate industry, we're lucky to have a wonderful partner in zipLogix. Their product zipLogix Digital Ink™ combines our e-signature technology with the forms capabilities of zipLogix. We get a lot of questions about how it all works, and today I'd like to share some of the top questions along with some answers. 

e signature real estate

1. Can the signature or document be tampered with or manipulated?

Each of zipLogix Digital Ink's e-signatures comes with a tamper-evident seal. If a document is altered in any way, even something as small as adding an extra space, it will be immediately evident. The digital signature can never be separated from the document and can permanently prove the document has not been altered.

2. Is help available if I have a problem or question?

zipLogix's customer support is provided by experts in the product and in the real estate business, and it's included as part of the e-signature service.

3. How much training is necessary, and how much time is required to prepare zipForm® documents for digital signatures?

Documents in the zipForm® library have been prepared in such a way that they are ready for digital signatures without additional preparation by the agent – dramatically limiting the amount of training or delays, mistakes and wasted time in providing critical documents to buyers and sellers.

4. What happens if I need to add a document to the transaction that is not in the zipForm® library?

With SIGNiX, you can get signatures on any PDF on your PC, prepare it for an easy digital signature and add it to the set of transaction documents.

5. Am I charged by the document or set of documents?

You earn money based on successful transactions not the number of documents you send to people, and that is the way you pay as well. Every document, signer, email, etc. that is part of one transaction is included.

6. Do you have any additional charges or upgrades?

All of the advanced services, features, security and customer support of zipLogix Digital Ink are included.  The only additional charge is if you would like additional identity authentication for your signers.

7. Is it necessary for you to store my documents?

SIGNiX's exclusive Vendor Freedom technology allows you to choose where you store your documents—on zipLogix's servers or on your own servers. Since the digital signatures are permanently embedded in every document, you can prove the document’s integrity without any assistance from SIGNiX or zipLogix. 

8. Will you store copies for me if that makes my signers more comfortable that documents will not be lost?

zipLogix will gladly store copies of all documents for customers for no charge.

9. Many people are nervous about their personal information being stolen.  Should that be a concern?

Protection of data, documents and each signer’s digital identity is critically important, and Digital Ink provides a highly secure platform incorporating military-grade encryption and patented protection of your signers’ identities.

10. The exact timing of a transaction can have critical implications. Can that be assured?

A trusted time stamp is applied to every signature or initial that cannot be altered in any way.


Do you have any more questions? Comment below or tweet @signixsolutions

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