Digital Signature Blog

Malware Threat: Should Credit Unions Ban Android Phones?

Written by Emily Maxie | 7/16/13 1:47 PM

Amid news of malware vulnerabilities, some credit unions wonder if they should advise their members against using Android phones. According to a recent article by Credit Union Times, that’s not necessary at this point.

At face value, the Android news is pretty scary: 99% of the devices have a vulnerability that could let criminals turn virtually any app into malware.

Despite these risks, few security experts are asking for bans on the devices. Google has created a patch for its partners, which means most cell phone makers and carriers will have a fix for the problem soon.

Though there are millions of Android apps infected with malware, experts say credit unions should educate members about safe cell phone habits instead of banning Android devices completely.

“Here's the best safe mobile banking strategy: put a password on your phone and think before you click,” Alex Bobotek, co-chairman of the Messaging, Malware and Mobile Anti-Abuse Working Group said in the Credit Union Times article.